Ministry Of East African Community – South Sudan

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Ministerial Mandate

  1. Co-operate with and assist the EAC Secretariat in the performance of its functions as set out in Article 71 of EAC Treaty and in particular to provide any information which the Secretariat may request for the purpose of discharging its functions;
  2. Coordinate all the EAC programmes/projects and implementation in South Sudan;
  3. Fast track the full integration of South Sudan into EAC
  4. Expedite the implementation of the Custom Union, Common Market and Monetary Union in South Sudan including participation in discussions leading to the EAC Political Federation integration;
  5. Undertake regional policy harmonization/approximation;
  6. Promote and advance the EAC integration agenda in South Sudan;
  7. Ensures adequate participation and engagement of South Sudan in all EAC meetings, institution and plans;
  8. Supporting the private sector development to ensure South Sudan competitiveness in the regional trade
  9. Facilitate and promote the Ease of doing Business in South Sudan
  10. Oversee, monitor and evaluate regional programmes and projects in South Sudan
  11. Advance the regional cooperation and development in South Sudan
  12. Coordinate with EAC Partner States.